Students from year 6 and 7 classes attended the preparation course for the Cambridge B2 First exam (FCE) offered at the BG/BRG/BORG Kapfenberg the previous school year. Following this preparation process, the participants took the exam in June and got their results during their summer holidays 2023.
The First Certificate of English proves that students have the language skills they need to communicate and work independently in an English-speaking environment. Moreover, the B2 First is accepted by thousands of businesses and institutions worldwide, which makes it easier for learners when applying for a job, for instance.
As this is an outstanding opportunity for English language learners to show their language qualification as well as being prepared for the English Matura, this course is offered again for students interested in gaining the B2 level certificate at the end of the current school year.
For more information please go to:
Congratulations to the following students who took the exam:
“To have another language is to possess a second soul.” – Charlemagne
Beitrag und Foto: Mag. Madeleine Lenger
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