On Monday, 15th May 2023, students from year 4 classes were offered a School Tours drama workshop led by Éilis, an Irish workshop leader. Here is what the students experienced:
We had a really great time at the drama workshop which was about four hours long. At first a kind and friendly woman from Ireland introduced herself to us. She told us about the things she would teach us and what the theatre was like. Then we introduced ourselves to each other and rated our mood on a scale from one to ten. The next thing we did was warming up our voice, body and mind with little games that were really fun. We were asked to come out of ourselves and interact with each other. After a bit of time the woman gave us a script. It was the play “Peter Pan” and we were allowed to act now. At first, we read the script and organized the little groups in which we would play the scenes. All groups did a really great job and it brought all of us a little more together. At the end of the workshop, we got in a big circle and repeated the scale rating where most numbers got up. Thereafter, we gave ourselves a big applause and thanked the woman for this wonderful experience. We would really recommend this workshop to anyone who enjoys speaking English. We learned a lot about the theatre, acting and it really helped us speaking English more fluent and better.
by Anna Lea Tomic 4C, Annika Lietz 4C, Anna Kokolj 4C
More feedback from students:
In my opinion, the workshop was very cool. It was very funny and interesting and a great chance to learn a lot of new things. The native speaker explained the exercises very well. It would be great if the workshop was held again.
by David Eisbacher, 4A
I really recommend this workshop. I loved to work in a team. The teacher was also very nice and friendly. I would also recommend it for the next 4th graders.
by Annika Lietz, 4C
I really enjoyed the workshop. We did many really interesting exercises to warm up our voice, body and mind. It really helped me speaking English because it was the only language we spoke for four lessons. I’d really recommend it to anyone who likes acting and speaking English.
by Anna Kokolj, 4C
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